Women’s Bible Study
New Bible Study begins September 3 & 4

Nehemiah had to have a heart that could break so he could restore a wall that was broken. Nehemiah’s heart for the oppressed, suffering and poor is a beacon of light that shines on the call of the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This study also addresses teamwork, integrity, generosity, truth in culture, God’s compassion, and much more.

Discover what God has put in your heart to do through the study of His Word. Let God break your heart for the lost and hurting, because a breaking heart is often what God uses to restore the broken. Join other women for this 7-session study to find authentic Bible teaching, recipes, and a relational approach.

CLICK HERE to register for Tuesdays at 10am
CLICK HERE to register for Wednesdays at 6:30pm


Join other women every Friday at 8am for POUND & REFIT combo class. Participants will enjoy 30 minutes of POUND workout and 30 minutes of REFIT fitness. 


Join other women at Cornerstone every Tuesday morning at 9am for prayer.

LEADER: Lillian Cushman